
Empresa Brasileira de Blockchain LTDA

Empresa Brasileira de Blockchain LTDA - 48.978.583/0001-56 has ownership or patent pending over all its logos, trademarks, and “nome de fantasia,” aka doing business as an intellectual property.

Do not accept any kind of sales pitch, business proposal or hiring proposal before reaching out

Thematrix Co.

Please be advised that Thematrix Co, located at 1007 Orange St 4th Floor Ste 1382, Wilmington, DE 19801, is no longer active and will be dissolved on 12/14/2023.

If you have any inquiries or claims toward the business, please send them to:

Thematrix Co. 1007 Orange St 4th Floor Ste 1382 Wilmington, DE 19801 Please put your inquiries or claims in writing. The deadline for submitting is 04/12/2024. Any inquiries or claims after the deadline date won’t be recognized.


Thiago Bittencourt Gil



Matrix Co.
Rua Alexandre Dumas
1711, Conj 501
São Paulo, SP,